A Beautiful Chaos

Apr 5, 2022

4.5m (and counting) worldwide Redditors came together for a few days to create, attack, defend, rebuild their territories. Allies and movements were formed.

It had been an incredible tale of collaboration, creativity and madness.

To all surprises, today r/Place has come to an end, with just a white color available instead of rainbow palate.

It started with a pure white canvas and it ended as such.

(Oddly similar to what happens in Tibet, monks painstakingly create mandala from sand for weeks, only to destroy it when it’s done. This is to illustrate impermanence, that nothing lasts forever.)

From chaos, we now see emerging gratitude that r/Place indeed happened.

Here is a high resolution of the complete art. Crop your favourite spot as your wallpaper, maybe.

#designtrends #creativity #collaboration #reddit #pixelart




Mind traveling in Medium. Interested in UX, design and tech, travel, self-improvement